Select & copy Traders

On this page you will learn how to follow our traders and copy them.

Select Trader

By clicking on Select Trader in the left navigation bar you will find Traders that you can select to increase and grow your Portfolio with a Trader that is providing his services for Bitonite customers. Trader statistics - what does those mean?

ROI (Return of Investment)

Return of Investment shows you the return of investment of all Trades, usually traders trade with a part of your Assets. This means if a Trader trades with 10% of your capital and makes 100% profit on it you made 10% profit on 100% of your capital. ROI shows the total Profit per Trade so in our example it would be 100%.

Cumulative ROI

Depending on the capital and leverage the Trader uses this information shows you how much profit you made total in percentage on your Portfolio if you would have followed the Trader from his first Trade.

Trading volume

Trading volume shows the total volume generated through this Trader on the derivatives exchange.

Investigate & copy Trader

Investigate If you click on investigate & copy Trader you will get a deeper insight into Trader statistics where you can find informations like the total Trading history of the Trader. You can decide there by your own to wich trader in wich risk management category you want to connect your assets.

Copy Trader Once youยดve chose your Trader you can click the copy button and follow the next steps.

Once you have clicked on copy you can see your available balance that you can use for first time copy or if you earned as well funds through our Partners program you can use it to reinvest funds into copytrading.

After you click on Transfer you are ready to start your journey with your selceted Trader. There is a 30 Day cooldown period where you have to stay connected to the trader. After the first 30 Days you can unfollow the trader at anytime you want to.

Last updated